März 28, 2023

🦾 #1 AIMM - AI edits your video, understanding leads, and more.

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This is the #1 edition helping you amplify your marketing skills using AI.

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My #1 AI Discovery This Week

Short-form video content is everywhere - we see it not just on TikTok, Reels, or Instagram.

Short video snippets are buzzing on LinkedIn and Twitter, too.

If you don't have the time to learn video editing or don't have a video editor, AI could be your solution.

DUMME is in a pre-launch phase right now, letting you create short video clips using AI. I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on this.

➡️ Get on the waitlist.

The AI Prompt Of The Week

Did you know that AI can impersonate people in specific roles? Let's say you want to close Coca Cola as a client.

Here's how you can use AI to your advantage (screenshot from Notion AI):

AI Tutorials

Do you dread staring at a blank page when you're creating content as much as I do? Since we cannot just turn on our creative muscle at will, AI is a welcomed help in this regard.

I recorded a quick video for you how I'm using Notion AI to come up with content ideas:

➡️ Read the full blog article and process.

What You Should Know

Access real-time data in ChatGPT

AI is evolving pretty fast, ChatGPT even has 3rd-party plugins now that allow it to:

  • Fetch real-time info, like sports scores, stock market updates, or the latest headlines
  • Access knowledge-base data, such as company documents or personal notes
  • Perform actions for users, like booking flights or ordering food

In short, AI now has access to real-time data!

What Google thinks about AI

Google and Bing are racing to establish themselves as best curators for AI content, making chat-based AI available to more and more users.

Best of all, it doesn't matter if you use AI to create content. As long as you produce valuable content and don't try to game the search algorithm, you'll be fine.


Implementing AI tools in your day-to-day can be intimidating. They've got a learning curve and it's easy to waste hours and days with just playing around.

You can shortcut your time to make successful use of AI by attending my AI Content Production webinar on May 2nd.

Over the course of 60 minutes, you'll learn how to:

  • Never run out of content ideas again.
  • Post daily without repeating yourself or burning out.
  • Win the content marketing game with AI.

And lots more.

➡️ Get the webinar details.

Cheers [first name goes here], have a nice evening! 🌛

- Founder, KCONSULT


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Google for StartupsMicrosoft for Startups
Wir sind Mitglied der Microsoft for Startups und Google for Startups Programme und arbeiten direkt mit beiden Konzernen im Bereich KI zusammen.