Februar 2, 2023

(Report reveals) The 3 struggles for CEOs

I downloaded an in-depth CEO Study from Boom and Hubspot and read through it so you don't have to.

Here's why the report is relevant:

CEOs are the ultimate decision-makers when I sell my services - chances are they sign off your contracts and paychecks, too.

Turn on your images to see this diagram

Here's what the study showed:

  • Hiring, Sales, and Marketing were the three biggest challenges.
  • Especially CEOs with < 10 employees struggle with Marketing and Sales
  • Hiring the wrong salesperson is a 60,000€ problem at least and that's why CEOs of smaller companies keep doing sales themselves

My biggest takeaway is this:

CEOs struggle with three things:

  • Long sales cycles across various industries, especially in B2B
  • Qualifying leads early in the sales cycle and ensuring they don't waste time on unqualified leads
  • Difficulty setting up clearly structured, metrics-driven sales and marketing processes that drive results.

I know that I can help companies in that area, particularly in setting up clearly structured sales and marketing processes.

You'll likely also find yourself able to cater to some of the pain points outlined in the report.

Reading reports like this is essential to stay relevant in our marketing and messaging.

Phrases like this one stuck with me: "Do I keep trying to run sales on my own, even though it's not my area of expertise - or do I risk hiring the wrong person and losing my company serious money?"

What I learned from this report is that I need to update my messaging - which is to be expected after a rebrand and developing a new offer.

Though I've built these sales processes for myself for years, I'm just now starting to sell this as a consulting service.

It'd be unrealistic to expect that my positioning is right on the first try.

Even though I already closed around $15k in new business in January, there's a LOT of room for growth.

Do you want more insights like this on how I am building my consulting business?

Or do you prefer the actionable "how-to" oriented content on email marketing?

Or a mix?

Hit reply and let me know!

As always — thanks for reading 🙏🤘

- The Uncommon Solopreneur


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